News | July 9, 2009

Mettler-Toledo Releases A Newsletter For The Bakery, Snack, And Confectionary Industries


Mettler-Toledo Hi-Speed and Mettler-Toledo Safeline, the worldwide leaders in product inspection equipment, have released a newsletter aimed specifically at the bakery, snack, and confectionary industries. The newsletter includes several case studies of installations of Hi-Speed checkweighers and Safeline metal detectors and x-ray inspection systems. It also contains informative discussions about product inspection solutions for these industries.

Highlights of case studies include a Hi-Speed checkweigher in a German bakery utilized to ensure the quality its products and Safeline metal detectors for a pastry manufacturer.

A new inspection solution is introduced: an integrated checkweigher/x-ray inspection. An article is presented about the ability of x-ray inspection to bakery, snack, and confectionary products are free of metal, stone, and other dense contaminants, as well as inspect for portion control and product and package integrity. Also covered is how metal detection can help maintain high quality standards while increasing throughput and reducing downtime costs for manufacturers to retain the competitive edge.

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